• (+233) 503 316 772/ 599 753 668
  • info@nemasconsult.com

The EMQS Unit of NEMAS Consult has some of the latest Environmental Media Monitoring Equipment, for Dust measurement (PM10, PM2.5 and TSP); Noise measurement (Integrated noise, Background noise, Nuisance noise, Minimum, Maximum and Average noise); Gas measurement (CH4, SOx, NOx, VOCs, CO, etc.); Stack emissions measurement (TPM, SO2, NO2, Speed, Flow, Pressure and Fuel efficiency); and Atmospheric Heavy Metals surveillance. The company also has water quality analysis facilities, including Photometers, Incubators, pH meters, Conductivity meters, and Turbidity meters, capable of both in-situ and off-site water and waste water quality determination.

All sampling sites, physical space for facilities, and sensitive receptors that come under study within the area of influence for any assignment are geo-referenced, using a robust, rugged, high-performance Global Positioning System (GPS).

Some of Our Past Projects
Year Client Project
2023 SCANTOGO, Togo Point source (TPM, Metals, VOCs, SO2, NO2, CO, O2, Flow rate and gas Velocity) analysis of Kiln Stack, Coal Mill Stack and Clinker Cooler stack
2023 AGRIPALMA, Sao Tome e Principe Point source analysis (TPM, SO2, NO2, CO2, CO, VOCs)
2023 FET Quarry Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (PM10, PM2.5) and Gases (NO2, SO2, CO)
2023 Atlantic Lithium Limited Baseline Studies (Dust, Noise, Gases, Metals and Water Quality)
2023 Incotech Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (PM10, PM2.5) and Effluent Analysis
2023 SDK Monarch Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise and Dust (PM10, PM2.5)
2023 Plantations Socfinaf Ghana Stack emission monitoring
2023 Dzata Cement Environmental Media Monitoring for fenceline gases (NO2, SO2, CO, CO2), dust (PM10, PM2.5) and noise, and Filter Exhaust Emission Analysis at their plant
2022 QGMI - Obetsebi Lamptey Interchange Project Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5) Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2, CO, CO2)
2022 Dzata Cement Environmental Media Monitoring for fenceline gases, dust (NO2, SO2, CO, CO2, PM10, PM2.5) and noise, and Filter Exhaust Emission Analysis at their plant
2021 Kumasi City Mall Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (PM10, PM2.5), Noise,and Gases (SO2, NO2)
2021 Accra Mall Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (PM10, PM2.5), Noise, and Gases (SO2, NO2)
2021 PETROSOL Ghana Air Quality Assessment at selected fuel stations
2021 Kingsperp Mining Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2), and Surface Water Analysis
2020 Ghana Oil Palm Development Corporation (GOPDC) Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2), Metals (Fe, Pb, Hg), Stack (TPM, SO2, NO2)
2020 Directorate of Research Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC), Univ. of Cape Coast Gaseous emission monitoring for CH4, SO2, NO2, CO, CO2 from two landfill sites in Ghana.
2020 IronRidge Resources Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2), Surface and Groundwater
2020 Akosombo Industrial Company Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Gases (NO2, SO2) and Stack Emissions (TPM, SO2, NO2)
2020 Heidelberg Cement Group (Ghacem) Environmental Media Monitoring for ambient gases (NO2, SO2) and Stack Emissions (TPM, SO2, NO2) at their Tema Plant Factory SIte.
2020 Midland International Company Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (PM2.5, PM10), Noise and Gases (SO2, NO2, VOC).
2020 Avnash Company Ltd - (Edible oil section) Periodic Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (TSP, PM10), Gases (NO2, SO2) and Stack Emission for their edible oil production processes
2020 Cosmo Seafood Ltd Routine monitoring of Environmental Media levels for Noise, Dust (TSP, PM10), Gases (NO2, SO2), Effluent and Stack Emission for their edible oil production factory
2020 Yara Company Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (PM2.5, PM10) and Gases (NO2, SO2) for their fertilizer production facility
2020 Tema Fuel Company Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for Bulk Oil/Fuel Storage Facility Report submitted to the EPA as an addendum to an Environmental Management Plan for the renewal of Environmental Permit of Operations.
2020 Azar Chemical Industries Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (TSP, PM10), Gases (NO2, SO2) for the paint production processes.
2020 Synrez Industries, Ghana Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Noise, Dust (TSP, PM10), Gases (NO2, SO2) and Stack Emission for their chemical production processes
2020 Kasapreko Company Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for Alcoholic Beverage Company.
Report submitted in Compliance with Akoben Ratings by the Environmental Protection Agency.
2019 Harlequin Oil & Gas Company Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2), Metals (Fe, Pb, Hg), Stack (TPM, SO2, NO2)
2019 West African Forgings Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10), Gases (NO2, SO2) and Noise for their Production Site
2019 Samartex Timber and Plywood Co. Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), Gases (CO, NO2, SO2) and Stack Emission at their Plant Site at Samreboi-Western Region
2019 DH Industries Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP/PM10), Noise, Gases (SO2, NO2) and Stack Emission Data required for the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan
2018 Nii-Oman Mensah Quarry Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10) and Noise for the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan
2018 Cardinal Resources Ltd Air Quality (TSP, PM10, NO2 and SO2), Noise and Water Quality Assessment for Large Scale Surface Gold Mining as part of baseline information for an EIA study
2018 Kantanka Automobile Company Air Quality Assessment (TSP/PM10, Noise, NO2, SO2) as part of Environmental Monitoring in fulfillment of Permit schedules
2018 Modern KOSA Quarry Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10), and Noise for their Annual Environmental Report and Environmental Management Plan
2017 Kibi Goldfields Ltd “Baseline studies of Dust (TSP, PM10), Noise and Gases (NO2, SO2) in preparation of EIA report.”
2017 A&L Quarry and Concrete Products Ltd Air Quality Assessment (TSP, PM10) and Noise as part of baseline information for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed quarry at Awutu Akubrifa in the Awutu Senya District.
2017 Cares Ghana Ltd Monitoring and determination of ambient air quality with respect to SO2, NO2, CO, VOCs, and TSP/PM10 concentrations as part of the Tema Harbour expansion project
2017 Cosmo Seafood Ltd Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Levels from a Forklift machine to determine its safety compliance to the national permissible level
2017 GOKAY Quarry Ltd Preparation of the 2016 Annual Environmental Report for the Company's operations
2016 Kofi Ababio & Sons Company Ltd Environmental Media Monitoring for a Detergent production factory in the Greater Accra Region
2016 Cedar Quarry Ltd Air Quality Assessment (TSP/PM10, Noise) as part of baseline study for the preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plan
2016 Eastern Quarries Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10) and Noise levels for the company’s operations
2016 Rolider Company Limited Environmental Media Monitoring for Dust (TSP, PM10) and Noise as part of an Environmental Baseline Study for the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan